Welcome to the homepage for The Library, a Discord-based chatroom for fiction writers. Discord is a free chat application for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. Find out more about us!
How to share your work in Google Docs
Sharing your work in Google Docs is easy! Here are some tips.
First, find the big blue “Share” button in the upper right corner:
A box will pop up with sharing settings. To share with specific people, enter their email addresses in the “Add people or groups” box.
To share with anyone by sending them a link (e.g. for sharing on Discord), click “Change” in the bottom left:
The box will change. If you want people to be able to leave comments on your writing within the document (highly recommended), change “Viewer” to “Commenter”:
Finally, click “Copy link” to copy the link to your clipboard. Paste it anywhere else (email, chat, etc.) with Ctrl+V